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  Hi All,  This is the last post! This has been one of the most insane, challenging, exciting, and inspiring months of my life. I truly think this trip has changed the course of my future career and would wholeheartedly recommend this opportunity to any student remotely interested in active transportation, designing for the good life, or city planning. At the moment, I’m feeling all sorts of bittersweet. I miss my people so much but it’s so sad to say goodbye to all my new friends.  Last night, I presented to the cohort on what infrastructure has made biking so easy and comfortable in these two countries. I’ve been really excited by how much designers focus on user experience here. It was so fantastic to learn about, every single project starts with how will we make this experience better for people. While that seems so obvious, that’s not always how we approach projects in the states.  First and foremost though, it’s so important to prioritize densifying our c...

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